Okay.... I have not blogged for SO long that I can't remember my password, login email, etc, etc. I used to blog at quiltingforless.blogspot.com, but I can't seem to log in to add a post. What the hey!! Why have I waited so long?? I know, it's my fault, but who says we can't forget our past and start anew? :o)
It will take a long time to catch up to where I was, but for now, I will start with where I am. Sounds like a plan?
As time goes on, I will hopefully add some posts of interest. Well, at least interesting to MOI!! (Interpereted "Me"... I did take a few years of French...)
As you will find out, I have a passion for quilting. Lately I have been putting these teeny tiny little pieces together to make a miniture Lonestar quilt. I went to a guild meeting the other night and was so inspired by Sally Collins. She does such beautiful work!! Her quilts look like tapestry, but a closer look tells you that she is a very precise piecer and quilter. I was in AWE!!
Here is my first attempt at one of these miniature quiltis. This is my Lonestar quilt. Although, not perfect, I am striving for "THAT" perfection!! I have placed a pen on the quilt so that you may see a size orientation.

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