Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Missing YOU!
While in Idaho in October, I went with my daughter, Talia and my grandkids, Hunter Hailey and Tyghelyn to shop for pumpkins. Here are a couple of shots at the pumpkin patch.
Finally - My Sewing Space!
FINALLY!! We moved into our "room" the day before Thanksgiving! It has been a LONG process. Here are some before and after pictures. This is how our storage room looked before.
And here is the "AFTER".... Pegboard to hang my stuff on is a great asset!
This is Roger's unfinished space. I have to admit that mine is a lot bigger!! He is so generous!
Here is a corner of my sewing space. I have a TON of floor space. A lot of room for a LONG ARM!! :o) A girl can wish, right?
This is the closeup of my Quilt Diva! She was a lot of fun to make. I am still searching for a zipper pull for her rolling bag. I just haven't come up with the perfect thing yet.... I love the pin cushion on her arm and her beads made from spools. Her earrings are even swaying. I didn't intend for them to be crooked, but I like them this way!! She thinks she is all that and a bag of chips! 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Fall Quilt Retreat
October 13 - 16 was our 3rd quilt retreat. Dana was so gracious to let us use her cabin, again!! Since we moved to New Mexico, I was very anxious to get to Idaho and start having SEW much fun!! I arrived in Idaho on Sunday and had to wait clear until Wednesday to get to our retreat. I kept my time filled with Grandkids, visiting my quilting buddy, Ilene. I even got to go to our Idaho quilt group!!
When we arrived at Dana's cabin, a truck with 2 guys pulled up and asked us if we were having a "girls" weekend. Excitedly we said , "YES"! Then they proceeded to tell us that they were having a "guys" weekend in a cabin down the road! YIKES!! BOLT THE DOORS!!! Then when we went on a walk one day, a guy was standing at his cabin and commented on the nice day that it was. We agreed, because it WAS very beautiful!! Then he said, "Do you want to go out?" There were 4 of us walking. I'm not sure which one he wanted to go out with. (Probably, Ilene... :o) )
Well, here are all 7 of us. From top left to right is : Jill, Debbie, Mary, and Ann. From bottom left to right is Me (Susan), Ilene and Dana.

I will start alphabetically and try to remember what everyone did.
Ann: Ann completed her corn row for our Bountiful Harvest quilt. It was my fault she didn't finish sooner because of a pattern error. Then, she made the cutest bag for her daughter. Then she started on some skirts for her daughters. The fabric was AWESOME!! Lucky, Lucky Daughters!!
Dana: Dana, as usual, had her sewing machine going a mile a minute. She had a project to complete for Wood Badge. The project she chose was to make a quilt with the different US flags in it. She put a description under each flag and then set it together with big stars. The quilt and Dana are below. This will look so wonderful hanging in her home or cabin. Then she made the cutest scripture bag. Then of course.... Dana made aprons for Christmas. I'm sure there is something I forgot!

Debbie: Debbie was a WHIR of activity. I can't believe all that she did! She is doing the 12 days of Christmas for her family this year. What a lucky family!! She was working on costumes to portray the Nativity. Then she was making Christmas stockings for each family. She also showed finished table runners that she started last retreat. I am sure that I am forgetting something!
Ilene: Ilene got into her "use it up" mode. If you look closely at the apron she is wearing, you will see that it is made from a table cloth! She made 2 aprons from tablecloths and started making a bag from a table cloth as well. She also put together a purple, black and white quilt for her granddaughter. Isn't that apron just the CUTEST!!!

Mary: Mary finished up a bag she had started for her daughter. The colors were absolutely beautiful. She made it using a charm pack. I'm thinking her daughter will be ecstatic! Then, she made the cutest quilt top for a baby boy. Again.... I wish I had pictures of everything. (I am kicking myself right now!)
Susan: I made a pumpkin/flying geese table topper that I saw in a magazine. I also had blocks from a birthday swap that I put together. Both of these still need borders. I just need to figure out just the right borders for both. Then, I embroidered on our Bountiful Harvest quilt blocks. Pictures will follow when I get these completed... :0)
This is our bountiful harvest quilt. I LOVE IT!!! Each section was made by a different person. I had to come right home and finish it! It fit together perfectly!! All of the sayings are hand embroidered. This quilt will be cherished forever!!!

The food was like eating gormet every day! It was like Christmas EVERY day. Little things kept popping up by my sewing machine or on my pillow when I went to bed at night. I LOVE my sewing sisters!! SEW many memories of GREAT times!! We have already planned the next retreat for April. Debbie says it will be in Provo!! WOO HOO!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Garden Lady

I really love how she turned out. It was a lot of paper piecing and applique, but she is done! Doesn't she look lovely in her garden?

I am ready to move in! But I don't think that would be appropriate just yet. There is insulation to put in the ceiling and sheet rock and insulation to put in the storage room. More sheet rock and peg board to go on the big room and then the carpet.
Roger and his brother Kim and nephew Obid has worked hard to get it this far. I am so appreciative!! I am going to hang my quilts as decoration. It will be fun to have my own space! :o)

I miss him! I miss his hugs, I miss how he always knows how to do everything. I miss his smile and his ALWAYS positive attitude. I miss his friendship. I miss him!! Happy birthday, son!
Friday, August 20, 2010
My First Finished Quilt Project in New Mexico
Home Sweet Home (Part 1)
It is about time that I introduced you to our new home. We will be living in our 5th wheel for the next few years. So far, it is pretty comfy. I will take you all on a tour.
Above is our cozy little kitchen. I love the fact that the sink has covers (cutting boards) on them. That way, I can use the sink as I do a dishwasher. You guessed it.... The dirty dishes are under the covers until I turn the dishwasher (me) on! :o)
This is our dining area.... conveniently located off the kitchen area. The table cloth I finished just today. I will give a close up of it in the next post.
Here is our couch/guest bedroom. The couch folds down to a bed for visitors. The rug I made a few years ago and brought it from our old home. I like how it matches. I need to make some throw pillows for the couch to dress it up a bit.
Here is our entertainment center. You notice it isn't on? Obviously, I don't watch much TV. But it is there when American Idol or Dancing with the Stars is on. :o) To the right is the door to our bedroom. You will see it soon...
We were able to bring our recliners from home. Just right for a nice relaxing night after a hard day's work. I usually use the Apron Topper for my table, but I love it so much I had to keep it out for a while longer.
As promised.... Here is a photo of our bedroom. Sorry about the picture in the mirror. I didn't know how to take a picture of our closet without taking me along with it! LOL!! I love my bedspread. It reminds me of all the sweet quilting sisters who I swapped blocks with in Idaho. I miss you guys!!!
Last but not least is our toilet. As you can see.... a very large and spacious bathroom. I am very proud of the fact that it is REAL porcelain NOT plastic!!
Here is our bathroom sink. The door to the toilet is to the right. PRIVACY, huh??
This is the flat screen TV in our bedroom. I hate to say that I haven't watched a whole movie, yet! Bed is for sleeping, not watching TV. LOL!
Oh.... and this is the outside of our home. Can you believe all that stuff in in THERE??
You probably didn't see my sewing machine in our home, right? Well, above is the beginning of my sewing room. This is the entrance.
Here is the inside. I promise, it is going to be AWESOME!! I can't wait!! My sweet MIL is letting me use her guest bedroom for my sewing room right now. BLESS HER!!!
Here is my morning friend that literally kicks my "you know what"!! I am being very faithful, though. I have to report to my daughter every morning or I get in T R O U B L E!! (Thanks, Amber!)
Well, there you have it.... the grand tour of the Wood home. Hope you enjoyed it!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
FREE Neat & Nifty Nine Patch BOM
Here we are at the 15th of June. I hope all of you who have been following the Neat & Nifty Nine Patch BOM found my blog! Anyone is welcome to download the patterns for FREE. The June block is available for download. All you need to do is press your "END" key on your keyboard and it will take you to the end of my blog where the downloads are. I hope that you will come back often for block patterns and who knows what else? I enjoy reading your comments and having you come and visit. I have included all of the blocks thus far if you wish to download them. Looking forward to seeing you often! The next block pattern will be available on or before the 15th of July. ENJOY!
Here is a picture of the June #6 Block.

This is a mock up of the quilt that you can make.

They are out of the Nest!
This morning, I went out to look at the little family of robins. They were all there; very crowded, but they were in their nest. Then a couple of hours later, Roger (DH) said to come and look! The babies were all out of their nest and Mama and Papa Robin were in a tizzy! When we went close to take their pictures, the little birds were as still as statues. They didn't even blink an eye. We finally decided that we had better leave them alone and let them learn to fly. The last we checked, they were all safe in a tree with Mama and Papa standing guard. I hope they learn to fly before the neighbors cat gets them. It has been a FUN experience watching them.
Baby Robin #1
Baby Robin #2

Sunday, June 13, 2010
The Robin Family
This spring a nest was in the process of being built on our electricity meter on the back of our house. For some time we didn't know what kind of bird was building the nest. We watched and waited to see who the tenant would be. To our pleasant surprise, it was a Robin! Finally her nest was finished. Then the eggs were laid. Mrs. Robin sat on her nest hour by hour. She would fly when we opened the door to go out on our deck, but soon she was comfortable with us being there. We could almost walk up to her nest without her moving. It was fun watching her sit there. We were anticipating being able to see the new little feather balls that would hatch.
One weekend we were gone for three days. When we returned and went out in our backyard, Mrs. Robin was very agitated! She would fly at us; just skimming the tops of our head. The thought came to me that maybe her eggs had hatched, but we couldn't really see anything in the nest. But she was still VERY agitated when we even walked out the door.
A couple of days later, a carefully polked my head outside the door and sure enough, there was Mrs. Robin standing by her nest and three little beaks were high in the air. She was feeding them. (Wish I had my camera then!)
Today, Mrs. Robin is still agitated. Below is a picture of her just before she flew right at me! She was posed on the roof just above her babies.

Here is just a shot of the babies in their nest. They have almost outgrown their home. One day, they will try their wings. I just hope the neighbor's cat doesn't get them. That would be sad!

Here is Mrs. Robin guarding her little flock. The apple tree is right beside her nest. She seems to like sitting there to keep watch over her flock by day and by night. :o)
One weekend we were gone for three days. When we returned and went out in our backyard, Mrs. Robin was very agitated! She would fly at us; just skimming the tops of our head. The thought came to me that maybe her eggs had hatched, but we couldn't really see anything in the nest. But she was still VERY agitated when we even walked out the door.
A couple of days later, a carefully polked my head outside the door and sure enough, there was Mrs. Robin standing by her nest and three little beaks were high in the air. She was feeding them. (Wish I had my camera then!)
Today, Mrs. Robin is still agitated. Below is a picture of her just before she flew right at me! She was posed on the roof just above her babies.
She then flew on her nest several times, but I didn't have my camera ready. FINALLY, I was ready! Here is a family photo. The little ones are interested in eating. Mama is interested in ME moving away from her little ones!! You can see them reaching up to her. The next shot is an "I WANT FOOD" shot. Their beaks are fully open and ready!

Here is just a shot of the babies in their nest. They have almost outgrown their home. One day, they will try their wings. I just hope the neighbor's cat doesn't get them. That would be sad!

Here is Mrs. Robin guarding her little flock. The apple tree is right beside her nest. She seems to like sitting there to keep watch over her flock by day and by night. :o)
Friday, June 11, 2010
You will not believe this!!
Just so everyone knows... I live in Idaho. The pictures you see are of ELEPHANTS not COWS grazing in a farm field. Roger (my sweetheart of 39 years) and I were driving yesterday and saw these three elephants grazing in a pasture. This would be a common scene in, oh let's say AFRICA, but absolutely not in IDAHO!! I am glad that I take my camera with me wherever I go. This was definitely worth the shot. Who woulda thunk it... elephants in IDAHO! 

Promise of Spring
Okay, just wondering? Does anyone ever deminish their scrap pile? It is if they are fertilized and grow beyond belief! If only my flowers would grow so good!
I saw a quilt that truly inspired me to use up more of this growing pile of scraps. I loved the applique strips that separated the scraps. The one I saw was different applique, but I truly loved the idea! It has been unspringlike (a word I am sure!) here in Idaho. I thought that if I couldn't have birds and flowers outside, I would bring them in! I drew the birds, flowers and leaves and made applique patterns for them and then added the vine. This quilt I appropriately names; Promise of Spring. As you can see I used up a lot of my 2 1/2 inch scraps. But.... there is still a ton more! Hopefully, I have stumbled on to another idea. I am still formulating that one in my mind. I think it will be AWESOME. Stay tuned..... :o)
I saw a quilt that truly inspired me to use up more of this growing pile of scraps. I loved the applique strips that separated the scraps. The one I saw was different applique, but I truly loved the idea! It has been unspringlike (a word I am sure!) here in Idaho. I thought that if I couldn't have birds and flowers outside, I would bring them in! I drew the birds, flowers and leaves and made applique patterns for them and then added the vine. This quilt I appropriately names; Promise of Spring. As you can see I used up a lot of my 2 1/2 inch scraps. But.... there is still a ton more! Hopefully, I have stumbled on to another idea. I am still formulating that one in my mind. I think it will be AWESOME. Stay tuned..... :o)

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Finished Christmas Quilt
It is finished! This is the quilt from our April quilt retreat. I really love how this turned out. It will be fun to bring it out at Christmas. Of course, I can always improve on my quilting skills, but needless to say, I DID learn some things. Thank you so much to Ann, Dana, Debbie, Ilene, Jill and Mary. I can hardly wait until the Fall Retreat and see how this quilt will come together.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Quilt Retreat April 2010
This is our 2nd quilt retreat and it will NOT be the last! We had one last year and it was so much fun that we had another one this year. Well, it doesn't end there.... We are going to have a Fall Retreat in October!! There were 6 of us that attended. Debbie was so gracious and allowed us to stay in her cabin at Island Park, ID. Dana let us stay at her cabin last year. We will be staying at Dana's cabin again in the Fall. This is who attended. Jill Wray, Debbie Searle, Dana Searle, Ilene Kendrick, Mary Hobson and me... Susan Wood. Ann Ahrendsen was not able to attend. :o( Following are some pictures that were taken. I know there are some more out there. These are just mine.
All of us worked hard since the last retreat to make a "joint" quilt. Here is a picture of theChristmas Quilt that we made. It is from Cotton Way and is called "The Twelve Rows of Christmas. This on is mine. I haven't got the borders on and it is not quilted, YET. My goal is to have it ready to show at next retreat in October. Each row was done by one of us and then multiplied times seven! We all went to the bedroom and laid out each row. OH WHAT FUN to see each row revealed!! I am so excited to have a Christmas quilt to display for Christmas and remember my quilting friends. Dana made a label for each of us to put on the back. SWEET!!

Here is a picture of her gardening buckets. Don't you LOVE that fabric? We were all getting hungry just looking at the fabric. And.... the scraps will go in the Fall Retreat quilt. I'll be you can't wait to see that one too!
This is a quilt she made for her daughter. It is some Mary Jane, the farm lady... BTW... Jill influenced us on the Mary Jane magazine. I'm sure that most of us ordered it. Can't wait until it gets here! Jill surprised her daughter with this quilt! Lucky Daughter!!!
Can you believe this cute bag!! Again, Jill is giving this to her daughter. Same one?? Does she keep anything for herself?? I have such a hard time giving my quilted things away. They become one of my children by the time I am done!!
Debbie was busy making beautiful things for her cabin. This is one table runner that she finished the top for. LOVE IT!!
Then, Debbie got busy and mad another runner. Then.... she took the scraps and made these CUTE hot pads!! Debbie you were on a ROLL!! AWESOME!!!
Okay... Dana is the queen of ASSEMBLY LINE!! Ilene and I showed everyone how to make these cute bags called Roly Nesters. Somehow we have tagged them Roly Poly's... :o) Anyway, Dana made... count them.... SEVEN!!! These are going in her gift closet. Boy would I love to shop in her gift closet!!!
Here is a flannel quilt that Dana made. She WAS going to give it to her daughter, but I think we talked her into keeping it for herself to snuggle up in. Or at least keep it in her cabin. Cute fabric and WONDERFUL job!!!
If you look to the right of Dana's quilt, (the yellow, blue and green one). This is one of the projects that Ilene was working on. LOVE, LOVE it!! I don't know why I didn't get more pictures of Ilene and her work. I guess we were busy taking pictures!! I'll try to do better in October.
Speaking of October. Here is the mock up of the quilt that we will be making for our Fall Retreat. This is going to be another FUN quilt!! Ilene and I designed it. It will be fun to see all the different fabrics and personalities that will go into this quilt!

Here is a picture of Mary who finished this log cabin quilt top. I love the applique blocks that really accent the entire quilt. Good job, Mary!!
Here are a few pictures of our Jill. THis is a picture of the patchwork bag she made.

If you look to the right of Dana's quilt, (the yellow, blue and green one). This is one of the projects that Ilene was working on. LOVE, LOVE it!! I don't know why I didn't get more pictures of Ilene and her work. I guess we were busy taking pictures!! I'll try to do better in October.

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